Monday, 11 August 2014

By Tanisha Berg

EMDR is about memories. It is about softening your memories. EMDR doesn't seem to care if a disease or some kind disorder happened yesterday, or 50 years ago. Most of the typical people who tried EMDR therapy online are military war veterans who came back all the way from places like Iraq and Afghanistan.

The procedure is a combination of traditional talk treatment with a little something extra that sounds bizarre. The therapist rapidly moves his/her fingers or an object similar to a wand in front of the patient's eyes for several minutes, while the person talks about an upsetting image . It is very important this treatment is done by specialists because it is believed that untrained people that are just mimicking this technique will cause harm to the patient.

What happens in the nervous system is that a person is walking around like there is an enormous building placed on top of their back. There is no way that type of thing is not going to have some kind of repercussion, which means that the affected person won't be able to work and cannot enjoy life as well. If it happens to be so that this particular person is a parent, then there is no chance for them to relate to the children at all as well.

There is no avoiding it. It is just a matter of actual facts - imagine if some people throw water to one another, they both get wet. Trauma is beyond the pale of your own existence. Once the nervous system shuts down all of its functions, it actually means it gets killed.

Abusive experiences can be placed into the section of contributing life events. People who were sexually abused or grew up in a situation where they were physically or emotionally abused figure in this group. The can be really serious as well and depending the severity and the frequency of those abuses, such stuff can be certainly qualified as different types of trauma.

Typical example of this is when there is a person at the office is looking around at their surroundings. Then there is a tendency to open up that block of processing power and accelerate it . After some serious testing, it looked like just a single EMDR session might provide a certain degree of relief. Many people who are renown scientists can't believe that after so many years in the field of science, there is way for a treatment to produce such great results in such tiny time differential.

The procedure offers a window into the mind, by processing out those hidden thoughts or those hot experiences that are pushing human emotions to the limit. It is not about the present, it is really about the past.

In EMDR, while focusing on the hand movement, there is just no way for anyone to keep up with both activities at the same time. Talking and following the movement of the therapist's hands requires focus. It leaves the mind completely open and "vulnerable".

The way the results can be achieved is by using different methods such as eye-moving, desensitization and reprocessing. EM stands for eye movement, by alternating different sounds or beeps in your ears and last, but still important and worth mentioning, are tappers - this is a vibration in the hands. The most impressive feature is the bi-lateral stimulation which causes the brain to think on its own. Scientists don't exactly know how it works, but rest assured that it is a way to overcome many stressful situations with great success.

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