Sunday, 17 August 2014

By Linda Ruiz

When somebody becomes scared or when he perceives danger it is a natural reaction to either fight or run away. Such occurrences are stressful and the after effects can last a while, leading to nightmares perhaps. People that suffer from PTSD, however, simply cannot let go of the unpleasant experience. They remain traumatized long after the actual source of danger is gone. Such people can benefit from using online information and support resources for post traumatic stress disorder.

The existence of PTSD first became a recognized brain condition when many war veterans proved to be unable to cope with day to day life. Instead they experience past terrors as if they were happening now. It is not only those that directly experience the terror that are in danger of developing PTSD. Even people that were witnesses to such an event can develop PTSD.

People that suffer from PTSD often experience traumatic events over and over again. This reliving is often as traumatic as the original experience. Their hearts start racing and they may sweat profusely. The flashback can be triggered by almost anything. Sometimes it is simply a word, or a picture or just a coincidental social situation. Many sufferers also relive traumatic experiences in the form of nightmares.

PTSD patients often have trouble sleeping and although they often appear to be emotionally numb they are prone to outbursts of anger. Many sufferers develop elaborate avoidance strategies. The avoid places, people, events and situations that may trigger a flashback episode. Many patients suffer from depression and some harbor intense feelings of guilt. It is also common to lose interest in hobbies and activities that were enjoyable in the past.

Many PTSD patients benefit from a holistic treatment program consisting of both psychotherapy and drugs that can lessen the anxiety, depression and feelings of guilt. Therapists concentrate upon helping the patient to work through the traumatic events and to develop strategies that can help them face life when they feel overwhelmed by the symptoms of the condition. Unfortunately, many patients never seek help.

There are many excellent websites devoted to PTSD. Many sufferers avoid social interaction and never seek professional help. They can benefit from internet sites that offer info and statistics. Many sites also offer support. Patients can pose questions that are answered by experts. Sufferers can also interact with other patients. By sharing experiences and helping each other with advice many patients become more confident.

Choosing the most informative and helpful site may be a matter of trial and error. Experts agree, however, that patients should avoid sites that offer miracle results and that sell medication guaranteed to relieve the symptoms of the condition. It is best to choose sites that employ the services of medical and psychological experts. It may also be more helpful to join sites that offer interaction with other patients and with experts in this field.

PTSD can be an obstacle that can easily and quickly render sufferers unable to lead normal, healthy and productive lives. The internet is extremely useful in offering both patients and their loved ones valuable data and advice on how to deal with the condition. PTSD sufferers can actually learn to cope and to live full lives.

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