Wednesday, 17 February 2016

By Evan Sanders

There are some moments in life you will never forget. A few years ago one of my teachers gave a speech that will always stay with me.

The words that came out of his mouth hit ready ears and they changed my life for good.

Accept your condition.

What did he really mean?

Accepting your condition is all about understanding exactly where you are at in life.

To take it further, it means that you should look at all of the areas of your life - relationships, personal life, body etc and see things as they truly are.

The other important part? See things as they are and not how you think they should be.

Why is it absolutely critical to do this?

It builds the foundation for the next steps of where you want to go

Going through this process allows you to step right into building a new life without trying to escape your old one.

Accept where you are now, accept that your actions in the past have driven you to the place where you are at this moment, and you will be on your way along the developmental process and the goal setting path.

So how do you actually do this?

The best way I've been able to do this is to get a piece of paper and brainstorm everything surrounding your life at the moment. Where are you at? What has happened in your past that has really affected you?

When you engage in this practice you get everything that is floating around in your head on paper and it helps you to start sorting things out.

When you audit your life, you give yourself the ability to go, "Okay, where do I want to be? What do I see for myself?"

The other piece of this puzzle is to envision what is in the future for you and to work backwards from there.

Step by step by step by step.

The last piece? Write lists of everything you need to know and everything you need to do to accomplish this vision.

The what you need to know part of the list should be a hell of a lot longer and more dense than the "what you know" part of the list. Truth is, you only have started to scratch the surface in a world full of knowledge.

So take some time to seriously understand where you are at and how you need to go to where you want to go.

To help you get from where you are now to where you need to be in the future.

This process will do you wonders.

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