Tuesday, 31 March 2015

By Iva Cannon

Children are usually diagnosed to have problems in learning when they go to school. If they are not capable of learning in the pace closer to their peers, it could be a sign of a deficiency. Either the teachers or the parents are the primary persons who can determine the symptoms.

There are different areas of schooling which include mathematical, logical, language, reading, and writing. Not everyone is good at all these simultaneously but if someone is not good or below average in all of these areas, then there should be a special intervention. Those who are living in San Juan Capistrano, CA are offered with learning disability testing in San Clemente. They have child beneficial and child friendly programs to support their learning needs.

The process may include interviews, observation of behavior, review of class works, assessment of language, writing, and academic skills, logical tests, and psychiatric observations. They also test the severity of the condition. Then it is possible that they will recommend programs like Individual Education Program to focus on the development of learning.

If the condition is severe and the patient is considered to have special needs, that will be the time when he or she is referred to the Special Education Program. It is the right of every individual suffering from any kind of slow learning condition and unusual behavior to be given the special education they need as part of the Individuals with Disability Education Act.

For the parents, it will be a difficult challenge for them which start from acceptance to engagement. They need to accept the fact, first and foremost, that their daughter or son is experiencing a not so ordinary situation different from that of their peers. Their love and guidance is needed by the kids the most so that they will also be able to improve in the interventions given to them by the professional special educators.

Some parents have seen miracle in their children with special needs. With a little sacrifice participants could improve their condition. Eventually, they will learn in a gradual process with the help of the government program.

If the parent or guardian or teacher is very motivated to teach and guide the participant at home and in school, more progress will be achieved. Some even get high grades in the end because as a sign of improvement. Also, some of them are already learning to open up and express themselves.

But if the child is negative of the special education testing or individual education, it is the responsibility of the school to make educative intervention to improve the learning process. There are some who have just slow processing of information but does not necessarily follow that they already have the disability. Some kids are just really shy to express themselves. Even if they know the answer or could really catch up, they are having trouble speaking in front of the class.

The role of parents and teachers is critical in kids having a hard time in school. They need understanding and nourishment. Hence, they have to be taken care of more than they actually deserve.

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