Friday 4 July 2014

By Rosella Campbell

Many times individuals feel as if they are the only ones experiencing their problem. This can lead them to be closed off or guarded in individual counseling with a therapist. Group therapy is a wonderful way to get in touch with ones own feelings in an environment that is safe and consists of others who are going through the same challenges. Often the person has feelings of shame, guilt or judgement when speaking one on one to a therapist who does not have a similar experience. These feelings can diminish when sharing with others.

When a person feels as if they are not alone they are often more apt to open up about their struggles. Hearing stories about how other people have faced similar circumstances can help each member to understand their own struggles and feel less fearful in opening up. Many times, members join at different stages. Some may never have experienced any counseling, while others may have been working with a counselor for years. Many times different stages of recovery can help the members to grow stronger.

A small group of not more than twelve individuals provides an atmosphere of intimacy that is not often seen in groups with more members. Their are various topics that can be the focus. Many times the original topic will open up other barriers to happiness. Individuals come together with a common theme that may include the loss of a loved one, divorce, sexuality issues or social skills.

Therapists act as a facilitator and are not there to provide any personal stories or advice. Instead, much like individual counseling, the therapist acts a guide. Counselors will often challenge the group or individual members to think about consequences of their choices. Likewise, the counselor will ensure that members stay on topic and that no one member is monopolizing conversation.

Establishing an atmosphere of trust with each member of the group is extremely important. The facilitator's role is to create an atmosphere that is safe and welcoming to share intimate details about ones experiences. One key component of running a successful group is to stress the importance of confidentiality. Each member must agree to keep everything that is said in session confidential and not share with anyone outside of the people who are in session. Breaking this rule often results in immediate dismissal.

Therapists are trained in the profession of counseling and often hold a masters degree or higher. Within their education, counselors come to understand human behavior, thought patterns and obstacles to success. They are trained in the art of talk therapy and use various tools that will challenge strong willed individuals who cannot see how their behaviors or thoughts are effecting their happiness.

Running groups requires a comfort in counseling more than one person at a time. The counselor must be comfortable confronting members if they are attacking others or engaging in inappropriate conduct that can threaten the well being of the other members.

Tulsa, OK and many other locations offer this type of counseling. Individuals must be willing to open up about their own struggles if they expect to gain success. Equally important is the desire to provide insight that may help other members.

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