Wednesday 2 July 2014

By Rosella Campbell

If you have just given birth to your first child or have several others, you will recognize that one of the biggest issues with new arrivals is getting them on some type of schedule of mealtimes and sleep. A wonderful reference to assist new parents is "On Becoming Babywise" by Garry Ezzo and Robert Buckman. This manual helps parents gain immediate control over their infant's schedule and teaches them how to get their new arrival to sleep through the night between the ages of seven and nine weeks old.

The various steps offered are simple and easy to follow. The child can be slowly readied for the process of sleeping many hours through the night. Mom and Dad will gain control so the household in not run on the whims of an infant. The home will become more restful and organized and everyone will get their required rejuvenation and rest.

The authors advise parents to just enjoy their babies for the first days, allowing them to feed on demand and sleep when needed. As they get older, gradually starting them on a schedule of sleep and nap times will give them an internal clock. When the infant cries, the parent will know exactly what is wrong just by the time of day.

Parents are advised not to coddle their babies when it comes to bedtime and meals but to have set and firm times for feedings, naps and nighttime sleep at about the two-month mark. They should not be rocked to sleep, driven around the neighborhood in a car, or walked around the house to get them to slumber but should learn how to fall asleep on their own.

Your child may cry briefly when put down when first starting the new routines but will soon recognize that this is a sign that he needs to sleep. Every effort should be made to place him in a consistent place such as his own crib. He should not be sleeping with his parents, in his car seat, bouncy chair or playpen. This consistency is what gives him the signal that it is bedtime.

Some may criticize this parenting system. They feel that the child will not get enough "cuddle time" with Mom or Dad during the late night feedings. Other detrimental effects that have been brought up include the possibility of dehydration or poor weight gain but nothing has been documented to help support these claims.

Enjoying a good night's sleep can set the tone for the entire household. Parents can get rested before a long day in the office or at home with an energetic infant. Other relationships in the household can improve if all the focus is not on the new baby. Mom will not be tired and irritated due to lack of sleep and will be able to pay more attention to other siblings and her spouse. Either or both of the parents who works will get more done on the job due to the extra sleep provided.

In the end, it is the parents' choice to weigh the pros and cons of this unique system. Some believe that this first taste of structure will help children for a lifetime. For those who intrigued by this parenting book, "Babywise II" is also available and expands on this subject.

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