Wednesday, 27 May 2015

By Evan Sanders

Step out onto the street and ask 100 different people what their main life goal is they will probably give you an answer regarding the concept of happiness. But what does it really mean to live a happy life? How will we really create a satisfied life on such an emotion that truly is as fleeting as any other emotion in the book? I mean, in theory this sounds like a really great idea...but how is it actually done?

When we are truly happy, we are just happy. We don't make an attempt to do anything with it or try to be more satisfied, we just are that way. But oh when we are unhappy, suffering , or sad, we try hard to do all kinds of things to get ourselves out of it. We attempt to kick the unkickable emotion, manipulate it, and exit out of it as speedily as we can. Even worse, we attempt to ignore those uncontrollable emotions and rise above them as if we really could create that type of ladder for ourselves.

There's great danger in this because if you create a shakey ladder of ascension, you may inevitably come across life's wonderful way of ripping the rug out from underneath you at the most inopportune time, and you will try to take a step back on the ladder rung below, only to unfortunately find that it isn't there. Where are you headed? Straight to the bottom. Bam. Flat on your back.

So what can we do?

Court a little bit of chaos and some madness in your life. Start diving into the parts of your life that might not be the most comfortable places to go. You know, that place called the past, especially the places that hold negative memories. The real secret is to get your hand near enough to the frying pan to feel the heat and not burn yourself. You have to also stop yourself from staying so far away that you can't feel the heat in the slightest. If you can find this middle ground in the darkness, staying very close to the destructive feelings without being consumed by them, you will find out some pretty engaging things about yourself.

Chaos and a little bit of madness... those are very good things. You want that energy flowing through you, and if you can harness it and create art with it, whatever that art shall be, the possibilities are unlimited. Many think that only good places create good feelings. But in actuality, true happiness, love, compassion, those all significant traits we wish for ourselves, can come from the darkness, chaos, and a pinch of madness. We think that darkness only implies darkness. But could there be the presence of light, joy, and positive features even in the roughest moments of our lives? I would need to say yes.

Perhaps, we shouldn't be looking for contentment in any way. Maybe... we should be looking to dive inside ourselves as much as humanly possible and come to places of understanding and compassion. When we are open to all things, really open to life's limitlessness, then anything can can truly happen. When we are OK with that fact, things start to get really exciting.

Merely a thought.

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Monday, 25 May 2015

By Kim Warrior

Cheerfulness is one virtue that various people are dying to get. This pushed many researchers to go and try to find out what is the cause of being cheerful. Many misconceptions have emerged. People have tried to link it up with acquisition of certain material resources that they desire. When they acquire them, they still find it hard to be pleased. Therefore, know the principles for living happy life.

Happiness is a state of being contented every time and it is something, which can be detected by the people you meet. The force that generates happiness lies on positivity. Without being positive on the events of your life, you will never enjoy gladness. Therefore, you should develop the virtue of positivity in your mind if you are committed into living a cheerful life.

Instead of being sad concerning a certain aspect of your life, you can easily target it and try to change it to become the way you desire it to be. Once you create that need in your mind, it will become a source of motivation and inspiration for you. This motivation will boost your strength in fighting that negativity in your life until you see it overturned. Motivate yourself to be cheerful.

Circumstances will definitely arise and challenge our happiness. Understand you possess the power to overcome the situation or to be buried in it and in the process you lose your joy. Therefore, guard your happiness by not letting any condition to get into your nerves. It is normal to affected by certain situations but do not let it sink into your mind by meditating on it.

Being sincere with yourself is a good start in creating happiness in you. This is because it will make you to accept whom you are despite your limitations. Once you accept your individuality, you will love yourself and this will culminate to a strong self-esteem. When you retain a healthy self-esteem, you will become confident with yourself and start being blissful.

Pleasure goes hand in hand with being truthful. This entails eluding to talking things that might bring trouble and create bitterness in you. Lies are small things that culminate to bigger problems. It is common knowledge that problems created by lies are destructive to a life of happiness. Therefore, you should manage your talking and stick to the truth always despite the pressure to say a lie.

Sometimes we put ourselves under pressure with the things that do not affect use in anyway. Several people lose their cheerfulness just because of bad news that do not even involve them. This is very unfortunate because they end up suffering for something, which was not intended for them. Therefore, be specific and highly sensitive when seeking information.

There is a saying that says show me your friends and I will show you who you are. This is very true and several researchers have proved it. You have a lot in common with the people that you mingle with every time. This displays itself in your character and behavior. Therefore, if your relationships comprises of cheerful people definitely you will also be a joyful person.

About the Author:


By Kim Warrior

The Daily Warrior is a blog written by Kim Alfreds. This daily inspirational blog holds a great deal of truth. Helping others find the ability to speak with honesty is one aspect, along with the ability to overcome a number of challenges and obstacles all individuals face at one time or another. As a result, individuals can then often focus on more important issues and tasks rather than wasting time on those which are only temporary distractions.

Those whom have used the program often report the postings to be quite uplifting. Whether one is dealing with difficult people, facing tough decisions, frustrations, or other issues which can tend to distract from more important issues and tasks, the lessons taught teach that all are true warriors. The wording used in these postings often reminds listeners and readers that all people have strength which has been built up through past struggles.

As the postings apply to life in general, it does not matter whether the updates are read in the evening, morning, afternoon or at different times during the week. The most important aspect is that readers listen, or read the information and find something useful. Finding something useful in each daily posting is not difficult as the author works to uplift and encourage as well as teach others how to live a better and truer existence.

The author, Kim Alfreds was born in the early fifties into a liberal minded English family. The family later immigrated to Canada. After which, Kim grew up in a middle-class neighborhood in Vancouver. Then, with only a 9th grade education, the author married a high school sweetheart.

Mr. Alfred later returned to school and received a degree in finance. After having worked in the industry for some time, Mr. Alfreds like others, found that money was not the only thing he had been getting high. As such, after a tough time working through addiction, Kim decided to work on more inspirational books and programs which is how the Daily Warrior came into being.

Success and struggle often go hand in hand. For without struggle there can be no success, and yet it is success at times, like in the case of the author that can then lead one back into more severe struggles. As a result of overcoming these tougher struggles, it is hope the information will provide insight and guidance to others working through major issues.

The author is still a highly regarded and respected businessman. Yet, Mr. Alfreds still enjoys a great deal of sports and entertainment. Though, the ultimate goal of the author and the Daily Warrior is to help others overcome obstacles and challenges in daily life through these daily postings. The messages are also written in a way to help encourage and uplift all who read each daily post.

For, it is through these postings, books, experience and knowledge that the author hopes to allow others to change for the better. It is also hoped that those who find these passages and readings helpful will inform others. Thus, creating a better life, free of blocks, challenges, obstacles and overwhelming frustration that tend to plague all people at one time or another.

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Sunday, 24 May 2015

By Tammie Caldwell

Where you have trained normally gives you the foundation you need to climb up the ladder for success. Before you become a professional instructor, you have to go a teachers training for yoga. This will only give you the knowledge you need but you actually have to lead a class so that you will know if you can be a good instructor. Houston yoga instructors let you know that you can continually practice so as to be good at it.

Teaching consciously is part of becoming a really good instructor. Teach based on what you learnt before, this will help in identifying the areas your students are having a difficulty in grasping. Remember there are those techniques that were also hard for you, so offer help even if they have not asked for it. It is like reading their minds.

Does it compromise ones Christianity? It does not affect your Christianity and as a matter of fact it helps your religious beliefs. Your concentration is strong during the session and you can use that period of time to pray. It helps to purify the human mind so that one may get a clear picture of reality and also experience. It additionally also manages your stress.

What is meant by classical yoga? There is a philosophical book that is around 2000 years old that has its rules. Classical follows this book. It is any method that gets one to an advanced state of realization since the rules of this exercise are seen as a grammar of religiousness. It generally means when you pursue self-enlightenment.

What about hatha in this physical exertion? Hatha is more about external or rather psych physical. You have to restrain yourself from negative behavior that could be pulling yourself back then observe the positive mind and body qualities that will help you. The postures, sensory mastery and also breathing all make up hatha.

Is this all about physical health? Its concerned about all parts of your body which means physical, mental, psychological and also oral health is included. This exercise is also about raising consciousness which means most people might interpret this as focusing only on the physical health. The importance of the mind is this workout.

If someone is not flexible, can they still do this workout? It is not all about flexibility so you do not have to worry about that because you can still do it. Do not compare yourself with that person sitting next to you who can put his leg over his head. You will get more out of the workout if you just relax and accept that you cannot do some postures.

In conclusion, its not considered as a religion but rather as a philosophy. It helps in guiding ones lifestyle hence a philosophy while a religion gives details on God in terms of how a specific faith views it. Its more practical and just like any exercise, results are yield after the hard work put in practicing the tough moves.

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Saturday, 23 May 2015

By Kim Warrior

The essence of living is to enjoy yourself before death. However, for the moment you are still living, you should make every moment to count. The way you perceive life has a major influence on the outcome you will encounter. You must get a healthy perception of life. Therefore, it is important that you know the fundamental factors necessary to live healthy life.

Thoughts might seem to be very small and harmless but they carry a great power with the ability of driving someone into doing a certain action. Thoughts generate will power and the force they carry has a great impact on every other thing that you do. Therefore, when your thoughts are positive, you are more likely to have fun in your life. Invest on changing your thought pattern.

You probably have a certain activity that you carry out daily. This might include your career, workout and spending time with your family. Doing such things repeatedly might become boring because most of the time you are recapping the same things. Change patterns in your commitments in order to motivate yourself. You should learn to build motivations by setting your own personal goals and objectives.

There is no chance that a sadist will live a nice life. The undesirable forces being generated from the surroundings control him. Any aspect of good is far from his mind because he cannot see it. When you fall under this category, it is vital that you start changing your thinking concerning life and its challenges. This is possible by feeding your mind with positive information via reading.

It is good to be sincere with yourself and to other people too. Understand you can fool other people around you but it is difficult to fool yourself. This is because you possess a conscience, which will haunt you once you engage in something that is contrary to your beliefs. It is an impossible ordeal to stay happy when you lack peace due to your nagging conscience.

It is advisable that you keep off from speaking so much because you can say something, which you will regret later. Careless talk is dangerous and it can deprive you peace. Before you talk, it is better to think first concerning the words you are about to say and make sure you can back them with your integrity. On the contrary, let every word spoken be true to avoid conflict.

Keep in mind that we are all unique in our own way. Therefore, it is not possible to have the same interests and ideas. The easiest highway to failure in life is trying to be someone else. This is because he/she might be having a different purpose from you and yet he/she is busy pursuing it. Therefore, try to find out the things you were created to do.

Relationships cannot be evaded because humans are social beings. It is necessary to relate with other people. However, it is not also healthy to relate with anyone you find. The people you mingle will influence your life either negatively or positively. Choose the people to relate with closely to elude acquiring negative thoughts.

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Thursday, 21 May 2015

By Jackie Warrior

Justin was still struggling and he did not understand why. He decided to walk the path of the sincere warrior, but it is not as easy as he thought. He was used to being dishonest always hiding his true self and it worked very well for a while. Now everything is crumbling around him and he has to face the fact that honesty is the way to go.

The first thing to remember is that honesty begins with you. Sometimes the wars that have to be fought are those that are within. Not everyone understands this because they are only concerned with what is taking place around them. They are concerned about living up to a particular image and making sure that no one sees who they really are.

It takes courage to be all you can be, but to be all you can means that you have to walk the path that you were born to walk. A warrior has to deal with this fact and fight to get to a place where they are comfortable living in their own light, letting others see this light, and as a result be encouraged to shine on their own. The reason why this is a fight is because it is not easy to do this.

True warriors are not afraid to see themselves for who they really are because they know that this is the only way to know what to gain freedom. It is important to be clear about deception and how this role is played out in your life. To be able to look in the mirror and have a clear conscious every time you do so means victory for that day as a daily warrior.

They appreciate the fact that this individual is not trying to cheat them in any way. As a result, the warrior is trusted by them. They notice that you can be honest and truthful but at the same time be graceful. However, it is not possible to please everyone, and there are those who will try their hardest to bring down those who are trying to spread positivity.

Once Justin became good at being true to himself, he desired to help others who he used to be friends with. He thought they were his genuine friends, but they did not understand his growth and why he wanted to live a positive lifestyle. So they did their best to discourage him. Eventually, he had to stay away from them because they were not interested in improving their lives.

He noticed that every time he was around his old friends, he would feel tired and drained. In their minds, Justin was weak and did not fit in with their way of doing things. Justin also realized that as a warrior, he had to be careful of the people he associated with and so he made the difficult decision to move on with his life without them.

As a warrior, you live your life not just for yourself but for others as well. In order for you light to shine, the truth must shine through you. In order for the truth to shine through you, you must be true to yourself.

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Tuesday, 19 May 2015

By Tammie Caldwell

Any form of exercise or workout is good for your health. Yoga is one of such exercises that offers great health benefits. Its important to do it regularly and whilst using correct body postures because otherwise you might incur injury if done incorrectly. You should look for yoga instructors in Loveland Co who could guide you and train you in the correct manner.

Its fundamental to discover an educator who has a strong foundation, possibly he ought to be showing yoga for a long time or was an understudy himself. They ought to exhibit great information and must have the longing to help other people realize this activity routine with enthusiasm and commitment.

In order to make sure that your instructor guides you accurately, he must practice his routine regularly because he can only teach you better if he remains in practice and does it on a routinely basis. Those who just care to get paid nothing more than that can never become successful instructors because they lack passion and motivation to spread knowledge among others.

An accomplished teacher would unquestionably have endless exhibit of information and in the meantime he will have a thought how to manage new understudies and show them in a way that is not hard for them to get it. Numerous educators additionally get themselves selected into distinctive preparing projects just to build their insight base and to stay by and by all the times.

Its constantly better to locate an enlisted yoga instructor on the grounds that they can direct you and show you in a superior way. Albeit there are private yoga educators who don't have any preparation or capabilities yet at the same time they offer classes yet the issue is without being enlisted you can't evaluate their remaining as an instructor and you will stay in uncertainty whether they're showing you the correct thing or not.

The most vital thing is that you ought to feel great with your educator. It is his obligation to make you feel a business as usual and help you enhance your aptitudes in this respects. Though on the off chance that you sense that you go to the class yet don't learn anything and you don't crave gaining any kind of ground then there is something incorrectly and it ought to be amended straightaway.

You may struggle in the beginning but with your instructor's help and support you should be able to learn the proper poses within no time. Instead of only focusing on your negative points if he provides constructive criticism and provides feedback every now and then, it would help you to improve yourself because you will have an idea that where the mistakes are being made.

If you are taking part in a yoga group then your teacher must be able to give every student equal time and opportunity to learn. You must feel that association with your teacher because it makes the learning process much less demanding and basic.

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